Well it's almost the end of 06 and I'm looking forward to 07. I hope Santa was good to everyone, I didn't get my High Speed but Santa made up for it with a 32" LCD HDTV. Now all I need is for Storm Internet to come through for me!!!!!
Well there's not a lot of codes but here's what there is so far....
Y101 - Kennychesney
Jack FM - seldom
Jack FM Community of the Day - Perth
Jack FM Roll Call - Mary LeClair
Well all I can say is dialup sucks......never thought I would be saying can't wait to get back to work!!!!!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
X-mas Eve!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. I don't have any time tonight to update the page but will be back on Tuesday to continue on.
Dear Santa,
If you could find it in your heart to get me High Speed Internet for Christmas I promise I'll be extra extra good this year.
PS - There's coconut creme pie in the fridge along with a bottle of Bailey's!!!! Also feel free to help yourself to the cookies and chocolates on the counter as well.
Your biggest fan.....especially if you get me my High Speed!!!!!
Dear Santa,
If you could find it in your heart to get me High Speed Internet for Christmas I promise I'll be extra extra good this year.
PS - There's coconut creme pie in the fridge along with a bottle of Bailey's!!!! Also feel free to help yourself to the cookies and chocolates on the counter as well.
Your biggest fan.....especially if you get me my High Speed!!!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tuesday December 19th
Sun Paper Code - Grapefruit
Sun Online Code - Seedling
Sun Bonus Code - Grapefruitseedling
Y101 Codes - Casino, Leannrimes, Tundra, Splurge, Rent, Firewood,
9AM song - The way you love me
12PM song - The Lucky One
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Connie Grace
Secret Words - Cement
Sun Online Code - Seedling
Sun Bonus Code - Grapefruitseedling
Y101 Codes - Casino, Leannrimes, Tundra, Splurge, Rent, Firewood,
9AM song - The way you love me
12PM song - The Lucky One
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - ClaytonRoll Call - Connie Grace
Secret Words - Cement
Monday, December 18, 2006
Monday December 17th
One week from today and there will be millions of kids on sugar overloads and toy overloads!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Molding
Sun Online Code - Mitre
Sun Bonus Code - Moldingmitre
Y101 Codes - Vegas, Silentnight, Faithhill, Arctic, House, Moonlight, Detroit90, moonlightmadness, Classic, Whitechristmas,
9AM song - Everybody Knows
12PM song - Long Time Gone
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Angie Lyttle
Secret Words - Dollar
Sun Paper Code - Molding
Sun Online Code - Mitre
Sun Bonus Code - Moldingmitre
Y101 Codes - Vegas, Silentnight, Faithhill, Arctic, House, Moonlight, Detroit90, moonlightmadness, Classic, Whitechristmas,
9AM song - Everybody Knows
12PM song - Long Time Gone
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - McDonalds CornersRoll Call - Angie Lyttle
Secret Words - Dollar
Friday, December 15, 2006
Friday December 15th
It's Friday again and we are down to 1 work week left until holidays!!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Hangglider
Sun Online Code - Superhero
Sun Bonus Code - Hangglidersuperhero
Y101 Codes - Kingston, Save, Bells, Surf,
9AM song - The Race Is On
12PM song - Some girls do
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Steve King
Secret Words - Pizza
Sun Paper Code - Hangglider
Sun Online Code - Superhero
Sun Bonus Code - Hangglidersuperhero
Y101 Codes - Kingston, Save, Bells, Surf,
9AM song - The Race Is On
12PM song - Some girls do
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - Carleton Place Roll Call - Steve King
Secret Words - Pizza
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Thursday December 14th
What a day outside.....+8 degrees definately doesn't feel like December 14th in Ottawa!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Cretaceous
Sun Online Code - Tertiary
Sun Bonus Code - Tertiarycretaceous
Y101 Codes - Chapel, Teller, Victoria, Deepsea, Ellipticaltrainers,
9AM song - 9-5
12PM song - I Will Always Love You
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Ray Huet
Secret Words - dress
Sun Paper Code - Cretaceous
Sun Online Code - Tertiary
Sun Bonus Code - Tertiarycretaceous
Y101 Codes - Chapel, Teller, Victoria, Deepsea, Ellipticaltrainers,
9AM song - 9-5
12PM song - I Will Always Love You
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - PerthRoll Call - Ray Huet
Secret Words - dress
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday December 13th
Hey all, only 12 more shopping days left to go before the house turns into a disaster area!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Joe
Sun Online Code - Moguls
Sun Bonus Code - Joemoguls
Y101 Codes - Wedding, Account, Calgary, Ocean,
9AM song - TBA
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - Smith Falls
Roll Call - Kathy Wyatt
Secret Words - muffin
Sun Paper Code - Joe
Sun Online Code - Moguls
Sun Bonus Code - Joemoguls
Y101 Codes - Wedding, Account, Calgary, Ocean,
9AM song - TBA
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Kathy Wyatt
Secret Words - muffin
Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday Bloody Monday.....
Hey all,
Sorry for taking so long to get the post up. I'm short staffed today and as per most Mondays lately it's crazy here at work. Anyhow, excuses out of the way, here's the list as posted by you all so far.
Sun Paper Code - Obtuse
Sun Online Code - Angles
Sun Bonus Code - Obtuseangles
Y101 Codes - move, oranges, dreadful , Hope, Banquet, Province, Loving, Free, Hut, Cashbox,
9AM song - Red dirt road
12PM song - You Can't Take The Honky Tonk Outta The Girl
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Maureen O'Gorman
Secret Words - Share
Sorry for taking so long to get the post up. I'm short staffed today and as per most Mondays lately it's crazy here at work. Anyhow, excuses out of the way, here's the list as posted by you all so far.
Sun Paper Code - Obtuse
Sun Online Code - Angles
Sun Bonus Code - Obtuseangles
Y101 Codes - move, oranges, dreadful , Hope, Banquet, Province, Loving, Free, Hut, Cashbox,
9AM song - Red dirt road
12PM song - You Can't Take The Honky Tonk Outta The Girl
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - North GowerRoll Call - Maureen O'Gorman
Secret Words - Share
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Friday December 7th
Sun Paper Code - ferdinand
Sun Online Code - archduke
Sun Bonus Code - archdukeferdinand
Y101 Codes - sunshine , thebaygiftcards, dreadful , chips, smiles, icecream
9AM song - Somthings Gotta Give
12PM song - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - David Putnam
Secret Words - Tire
Sun Online Code - archduke
Sun Bonus Code - archdukeferdinand
Y101 Codes - sunshine , thebaygiftcards, dreadful , chips, smiles, icecream
9AM song - Somthings Gotta Give
12PM song - Probably Wouldn't Be This Way
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - NewboroughRoll Call - David Putnam
Secret Words - Tire
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Tuesday December 5th
Well, it's cold as hell and I'm not liking it. Summer can come anytime now!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Plutonium
Sun Online Code - Halflife
Sun Bonus Code - Plutoniumhalflife
Y101 Codes - Industry, Octave, Stroller, Knuckle,
9AM song - Big Picture
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - Toledo
Roll Call - Bruce Hartledge
Secret Words - Moondance, Gas
Sun Paper Code - Plutonium
Sun Online Code - Halflife
Sun Bonus Code - Plutoniumhalflife
Y101 Codes - Industry, Octave, Stroller, Knuckle,
9AM song - Big Picture
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Bruce Hartledge
Secret Words - Moondance, Gas
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday December 4th
Welcome to the first snowy week of December!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Scottsdale
Sun Online Code - Arizona
Sun Bonus Code - Scottsdalearizona
Y101 Codes - Capital, Shine, Tech, Botox, Gloat, Crazy, Purchase, Homeconsignment, Lemon, Faster,
9AM song - A Boy Named Sue
12PM song - Ring of Fire
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Vicky Findlay
Secret Words - Lunch
Sun Paper Code - Scottsdale
Sun Online Code - Arizona
Sun Bonus Code - Scottsdalearizona
Y101 Codes - Capital, Shine, Tech, Botox, Gloat, Crazy, Purchase, Homeconsignment, Lemon, Faster,
9AM song - A Boy Named Sue
12PM song - Ring of Fire
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - LombardyRoll Call - Vicky Findlay
Secret Words - Lunch
Friday, December 01, 2006
Friday December 1st
Friday again!!!!! And for some lucky kids it's a long weekend thanks to the stupidity of the school boards!!!! 24 shopping days until X-mas!!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Chimera
Sun Online Code - Newton
Sun Bonus Code - Chimeranewton
Y101 Codes - Tame, Delightful, Moonwalk, Tickets,
9AM song - Fall into Me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - Mississippi Mills
Roll Call - Craig St. Germain
Secret Words - mud
Sun Paper Code - Chimera
Sun Online Code - Newton
Sun Bonus Code - Chimeranewton
Y101 Codes - Tame, Delightful, Moonwalk, Tickets,
9AM song - Fall into Me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Craig St. Germain
Secret Words - mud
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday November 30th
Well it's the last day of November. Bring on December and bring on X-Mas!!!
Sun Paper Code - Papua
Sun Online Code - Newguinea
Sun Bonus Code - Papuanewguinea
Y101 Codes - Carryon, Planet, Funny, Pride,
9AM song - I Just Wanna Be Mad
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - Lanark
Roll Call - Paul Eastwood
Secret Words - Month
Sun Paper Code - Papua
Sun Online Code - Newguinea
Sun Bonus Code - Papuanewguinea
Y101 Codes - Carryon, Planet, Funny, Pride,
9AM song - I Just Wanna Be Mad
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Paul Eastwood
Secret Words - Month
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday November 28th
It's almost December!!!! 26 shopping days left until X-mas....let's get busy consumers!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Revenge
Sun Online Code - Nerds
Sun Bonus Code - Revengenerds
Y101 Codes - Handsome, Moon, Travel, Spirits,
9AM song - She Keeps the Home Fires Burning
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - South Mountain
Roll Call - Jeff Moodie
Secret Words - Vault
Sun Paper Code - Revenge
Sun Online Code - Nerds
Sun Bonus Code - Revengenerds
Y101 Codes - Handsome, Moon, Travel, Spirits,
9AM song - She Keeps the Home Fires Burning
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Jeff Moodie
Secret Words - Vault
Monday, November 27, 2006
Monday November 27th
Hey all, welcome to another week new week, the X-mas countdown is on!!!! 28 days left to give your money to the big box stores ;)
Sun Paper Code - Pitch
Sun Online Code - Fork
Sun Bonus Code - Pitchfork
Y101 Codes - Magazine, Sugar, Starlight, Beautiful, Wild, Enjoy
9AM song - I'll Wait For You
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FMCommunity of the Day - Blacks Corners
Roll Call - Janet McIntosh
Secret Words - Happy
Sun Paper Code - Pitch
Sun Online Code - Fork
Sun Bonus Code - Pitchfork
Y101 Codes - Magazine, Sugar, Starlight, Beautiful, Wild, Enjoy
9AM song - I'll Wait For You
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Janet McIntosh
Secret Words - Happy
Friday, November 24, 2006
Friday November 24th
Hey all, it's actually Thursday for me because I have to work tomorrow!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Near
Sun Online Code - Far
Sun Bonus Code - Nearfar
Y101 Codes - Echo, Age, Movie,
9AM song - Carrying your love with me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Roll Call - Annie Gosling
Secret Words - Computer
Sun Paper Code - Near
Sun Online Code - Far
Sun Bonus Code - Nearfar
Y101 Codes - Echo, Age, Movie,
9AM song - Carrying your love with me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - Balderson Roll Call - Annie Gosling
Secret Words - Computer
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Wednesday November 22nd
Hey all, sorry for being late to get the post up......
Sun Paper Code - Garlic
Sun Online Code - Bus
Sun Bonus Code - Garlicbus
Y101 Codes - Hats, Bagel, Rocket, Record
9AM song - Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin'
12PM song - One More Last Chance
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - Oompah
Roll Call - Geoff Lemay
Secret Words - Kennedy
Sun Paper Code - Garlic
Sun Online Code - Bus
Sun Bonus Code - Garlicbus
Y101 Codes - Hats, Bagel, Rocket, Record
9AM song - Don't Let Our Love Start Slippin'
12PM song - One More Last Chance
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - Oompah
Roll Call - Geoff Lemay
Secret Words - Kennedy
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Tuesday November 21st
Hey all, here goes another day of point collecting....maybe we'll have something worth getting soon!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Chemical
Sun Online Code - Mass
Sun Bonus Code - Chemicalmass
Y101 Codes - Ski, Frequency, Pictures, Tank
9AM song - Grandpa tell me bout ...
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Chemical
Sun Online Code - Mass
Sun Bonus Code - Chemicalmass
Y101 Codes - Ski, Frequency, Pictures, Tank
9AM song - Grandpa tell me bout ...
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - Clayton
Roll Call - Kathie Hewitt
Secret Words - Local
Monday, November 20, 2006
Monday November 20th
Hey all, sorry for not updating on the weekend but wasn't around....
Sun Paper Code - Iterative
Sun Online Code - Repetition
Sun Bonus Code - Iterativerepetition
Y101 Codes - Hits, Jacuzzi, Cargo, Waves, Grapes,
9AM song - What Made You Say That?
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Iterative
Sun Online Code - Repetition
Sun Bonus Code - Iterativerepetition
Y101 Codes - Hits, Jacuzzi, Cargo, Waves, Grapes,
9AM song - What Made You Say That?
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Community of the Day - McDonalds corners
Roll Call - Morris Gould
Secret Words - Congratulations
Friday, November 17, 2006
FRIDAY!!!!!! November 17th
The weekend is almost here again, let's have a great point collecting Friday.
Sun Paper Code - Hipster
Sun Online Code - Chip
Sun Bonus Code - Hipsterchip
Y101 Codes - Cherry, Chimes, Memorize, Toyparade2006,
CHEO Codes - Winme, Welcomehome, Movietime, Letsplay, Breaksweat, Fireplace
9AM song - TBA
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Hipster
Sun Online Code - Chip
Sun Bonus Code - Hipsterchip
Y101 Codes - Cherry, Chimes, Memorize, Toyparade2006,
CHEO Codes - Winme, Welcomehome, Movietime, Letsplay, Breaksweat, Fireplace
9AM song - TBA
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Community of the Day -
Roll Call -
Community of the Day -
Roll Call -
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Thursday November 16th
Hey all, I'm having trouble with my internet connection and am unable to create a new post so I'm changing the Wednesday post for todays codes.
Sun Paper Code - Radar
Sun Online Code - moose
Sun Bonus Code - radarmoose
Y101 Codes - Pages, Lipsync, Toast, Chores,
CHEO Codes - Winme, Welcomehome, Movietime, Letsplay, Breaksweat, Fireplace
9AM song - You Save Me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Radar
Sun Online Code - moose
Sun Bonus Code - radarmoose
Y101 Codes - Pages, Lipsync, Toast, Chores,
CHEO Codes - Winme, Welcomehome, Movietime, Letsplay, Breaksweat, Fireplace
9AM song - You Save Me
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Community of the Day - Sharbot Lake
Roll Call - May McInnis
Secret Words - Earn,
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tuesday November 14th
It's a new day and as usual Systemskitty is up way way way too early ;)
Sun Paper Code - Duck
Sun Online Code - Frisbee
Sun Bonus Code - Duckfrisbee
Y101 Codes - Pamper, Peach, Single, Opposite, Swiss,
9AM song - Red Dirt Road
12PM song - Ain't nothing 'bout you
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Duck
Sun Online Code - Frisbee
Sun Bonus Code - Duckfrisbee
Y101 Codes - Pamper, Peach, Single, Opposite, Swiss,
9AM song - Red Dirt Road
12PM song - Ain't nothing 'bout you
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Community of the Day - kanata
Roll Call - Brian Bellevue
Secret Words - win
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday November 13
Hey everyone, hope you had a good weekend collecting codes but now you can do it on company time!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Spam , Spam1
Sun Online Code - Sandwich1
Sun Bonus Code - Spamsandwich
Y101 Codes - Standstill, Encore, Strawberry, Rival, lookpretty, Poppy, Spa, Wreckers
1000 Islands Mall Code - Magically
9AM song - Tearin' it up and Burnin' it down
12PM song - Callin' Baton Rouge
4 PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Spam , Spam1
Sun Online Code - Sandwich1
Sun Bonus Code - Spamsandwich
Y101 Codes - Standstill, Encore, Strawberry, Rival, lookpretty, Poppy, Spa, Wreckers
1000 Islands Mall Code - Magically
9AM song - Tearin' it up and Burnin' it down
12PM song - Callin' Baton Rouge
4 PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Community of the Day - Spencerville
Roll Call - Vi Smith
Secret Words - Election
Friday, November 10, 2006
TGIF November 10th!!!!

It Friday again and I'm ready for the weekend!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Clerk
Sun Online Code - Washer
Sun Bonus Code - Clerkwasher
Y101 Codes - Cast, Finale, Frosting, Empathy, Country, Melon
Ottawa Police Code - Recruiting
9AM song - Me and My Gang
12PM song - Mayberry
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Community of the Day - Kemptville
Roll Call - Bill Dickson
Secret Words - Shopping,
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Thursday November 09

It's almost Friday!!!!!!! Almost.....
Sun Paper Code - Retail
Sun Online Code - Outlet
Sun Bonus Code - Retailoutlet
Y101 Codes - Compassion, Applause, Swirl, Varsity, Design, Cheo, Hero, Local, Dollar, Sparks, Banana, Sponsor, Support, Upgrade,
Ottawa Police Code - Childprint
9AM song - Please Come to Boston
12PM song - Is There Life Out There
4PM song - Somebody
8PM song - TBA
Jack FM
Roll Call - Terry ToshCommunity of the Day - Merrickville
Jack Secret Words - Spend (for 1000 Pts)
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wednesday not Thursday November 8th
Hey all, it is indeed Wednesday and you still have 2 more days after today to get through before the weekend :P
Sun Paper Code - Lobster
Sun Online Code - Traps
Sun Bonus Code - Lobstertraps
Y101 Codes - Hair, Performance, Sprinkles, Demand,
Ottawa Police Code - Identitytheft
9AM song - Lyin' Eyes
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Lobster
Sun Online Code - Traps
Sun Bonus Code - Lobstertraps
Y101 Codes - Hair, Performance, Sprinkles, Demand,
Ottawa Police Code - Identitytheft
9AM song - Lyin' Eyes
12PM song - TBA
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Tuesday November 7th
Well, I'm at work and not happy about it ;)
Sun Paper Code - Wildebeast
Sun Online Code - Tranquilizer
Sun Bonus Code - Wildebeasttranquilizer
Y101 Codes - Duet, Chocolate, Wardrobe, Stand, Apple, Plasmatv (1000 Pts), garden, redcarpet,
Marshy's Code - Centrepointe&y101, Scotiabank&y101,
Ottawa Police Code - Homesecurity
9AM song - Cadillac Jack Favor
12PM song - Money or Love
4PM song - Like the Rain
8PM song - A Better Man
Sun Paper Code - Wildebeast
Sun Online Code - Tranquilizer
Sun Bonus Code - Wildebeasttranquilizer
Y101 Codes - Duet, Chocolate, Wardrobe, Stand, Apple, Plasmatv (1000 Pts), garden, redcarpet,
Marshy's Code - Centrepointe&y101, Scotiabank&y101,
Ottawa Police Code - Homesecurity
9AM song - Cadillac Jack Favor
12PM song - Money or Love
4PM song - Like the Rain
8PM song - A Better Man
Monday, November 06, 2006
I Hate MONDAY'S!!!
Well it's the start of another work week and still no sign of early retirement!!!
Sun Paper Code - Vampire
Sun Online Code - Bat
Sun Bonus Code - Vampirebat
Y101 Codes - Doc, Solo, Vanilla, Duke, CMA, Maria, World, Stars, Orange,
Ottawa Police Code - Neighbourhoodwatch (worth 1000 pts)
Other 1000 Pts codes - Voodoo, Bourbon, Sirrobertpeel
New link - Signature Audio Video
9AM song - I'm In a Hurry
12PM song - Roll On 18 Wheeler
4PM song - Song of The South
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Vampire
Sun Online Code - Bat
Sun Bonus Code - Vampirebat
Y101 Codes - Doc, Solo, Vanilla, Duke, CMA, Maria, World, Stars, Orange,
Ottawa Police Code - Neighbourhoodwatch (worth 1000 pts)
Other 1000 Pts codes - Voodoo, Bourbon, Sirrobertpeel
New link - Signature Audio Video
9AM song - I'm In a Hurry
12PM song - Roll On 18 Wheeler
4PM song - Song of The South
8PM song - TBA
Friday, November 03, 2006
Saturday November 4th
Hey everyone,
Hope your enjoying your weekend. I won't be around much but will check in whenever I can to update the codes with links.
Hope your enjoying your weekend. I won't be around much but will check in whenever I can to update the codes with links.
FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! November 3rd
The weekend is only hours away!!!! Now to kill one more day at the office ;)
Sun Paper Code - Trans
Sun Online Code - AM
Sun Bonus Code - Transam
Y101 Codes - Crystal, Pitch, Drink, Health, Points, Clue, Jolene, Pen, Net,
9AM song - Remember When
12PM song - It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
4PM song - Livin' On Love
8PM song - Designated Drinker
Sun Paper Code - Trans
Sun Online Code - AM
Sun Bonus Code - Transam
Y101 Codes - Crystal, Pitch, Drink, Health, Points, Clue, Jolene, Pen, Net,
9AM song - Remember When
12PM song - It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere
4PM song - Livin' On Love
8PM song - Designated Drinker
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Thursday November 2nd
Hey all, thanks for the feedback from yesterday. Just a notice, in the Events section you can now click on the Ottawa Police Service for 100 points.
Sun Paper Code - Player
Sun Online Code - Coach
Sun Bonus Code - Playercoach
Y101 Code - Perfect, Return, Sick, Event, Sudbury, cop, tough,
Carlton Refrigeration Code - Warmth
9AM song - Would You Go With Me
12PM song - Your Man
4PM song - No Rush
8PM song - What It Ain't
Sun Paper Code - Player
Sun Online Code - Coach
Sun Bonus Code - Playercoach
Y101 Code - Perfect, Return, Sick, Event, Sudbury, cop, tough,
Carlton Refrigeration Code - Warmth
9AM song - Would You Go With Me
12PM song - Your Man
4PM song - No Rush
8PM song - What It Ain't
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Wednesday November 1st
Hey all, let's give a big Shout-Out to im-transit who had Greg look at the links which in turn got me to look at the links. You must first click on the link to log into the Y101 site. Click the back button and then click on the links below. After you click on each link just click the back button and click on the next link. Too bad, could have used this yesterday ;)
Sun Paper Code - Mobile
Sun Online Code - Phone
Sun Bonus Code - Mobilephone
Y101 Codes - dress, cherish, balloon, transmit, susy, topic, desk,
9AM song - Every Mile a Memory
12PM song - Settle For a Slow Down
4PM song - How Am I Doin?
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Mobile
Sun Online Code - Phone
Sun Bonus Code - Mobilephone
Y101 Codes - dress, cherish, balloon, transmit, susy, topic, desk,
9AM song - Every Mile a Memory
12PM song - Settle For a Slow Down
4PM song - How Am I Doin?
8PM song - TBA
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday October 31st Happy Halloween!!!!!
It's time to Trick or Treat!!!! Can't wait to take my kid around and pick thru his candy ;) Like I said yesterday, Systemskitty your a tiger which would be a great costume for you today ;) Don't forget, halloween codes are worth 250 points!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Kindergarden
Sun Online Code - Grade1
Sun Bonus Code - Kindergardengrade1
Y101 Codes - Correction(worth 500), party, halloween, ear, icing, ghost, witch, pumpkin, candy, boo, jackolantern, vampire, obey, scare, kids, zombie, broomstick, speak
9AM song - The Lucky One
12PM song - Wild One
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - Kindergarden
Sun Online Code - Grade1
Sun Bonus Code - Kindergardengrade1
Y101 Codes - Correction(worth 500), party, halloween, ear, icing, ghost, witch, pumpkin, candy, boo, jackolantern, vampire, obey, scare, kids, zombie, broomstick, speak
9AM song - The Lucky One
12PM song - Wild One
4PM song - TBA
8PM song - TBA
Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday October 30th
Hey all, yet another Monday to reaffirm the fact that I still have to work to pay the bills :(
Systemskitty, your a tiger not a kitty!!!! 8 codes before 7:30AM HOLY CRAP!!!!
Sun Paper Code - coffee (not working)
Sun Online Code - farms (not working)
Sun Bonus Code - coffeefarms (not working)
The Sun codes are not working now, they may have switched to only having them work on the days originally posted which was Wednesday and Thursday. We will find out if they don't work tomorrow.
Y101 Codes - Bentley, Alone, Gentry, Hip, Dierks, Change, Loud, Prize, Agree, Tradition, Duo, Nashville101(worth 1000)
9AM song - Before He Cheats
12PM song - Don't Forget To Remember Me
4PM song - Jesus, Take The Wheel
8PM song - TBA
Systemskitty, your a tiger not a kitty!!!! 8 codes before 7:30AM HOLY CRAP!!!!
Sun Paper Code - coffee (not working)
Sun Online Code - farms (not working)
Sun Bonus Code - coffeefarms (not working)
The Sun codes are not working now, they may have switched to only having them work on the days originally posted which was Wednesday and Thursday. We will find out if they don't work tomorrow.
Y101 Codes - Bentley, Alone, Gentry, Hip, Dierks, Change, Loud, Prize, Agree, Tradition, Duo, Nashville101(worth 1000)
9AM song - Before He Cheats
12PM song - Don't Forget To Remember Me
4PM song - Jesus, Take The Wheel
8PM song - TBA
Saturday, October 28, 2006
It's the WEEKEND!!!!! Saturday October 28th
Welcome to the weekend......I thought I would start you all off this weekend with the Sun Online code.
Sun Paper Code - TBA
Sun Online Code - Films
Sun Bonus Code - ***films
Sun Paper Code - TBA
Sun Online Code - Films
Sun Bonus Code - ***films
Thursday, October 26, 2006
It's Friday!!!!! October 27th
So, as you can see it's Friday afternoon and I was a little bored and decided to make a little change. I couldn't find anything with more of a Halloween theme but I'll keep looking!!!!
Sun Paper Code - earplug
Sun Online Code - wilson
Sun Bonus Code - earplugwilson
Y101 Codes - borneo, script, landslide, banjo, chicks, sinwagon, triangle, old, earl, speakout, cowboy, apology, wideopen, granola, heartache, jackslade, alabama, godspeed, loveyoubetter, topoftheworld, lies, blade, martie, rims, natalie, emily
9AM song - You'll Think of Me
12PM song - Days Go By
4PM song - Where The Black Top Ends
8PM song - Jeans On
Sun Paper Code - earplug
Sun Online Code - wilson
Sun Bonus Code - earplugwilson
Y101 Codes - borneo, script, landslide, banjo, chicks, sinwagon, triangle, old, earl, speakout, cowboy, apology, wideopen, granola, heartache, jackslade, alabama, godspeed, loveyoubetter, topoftheworld, lies, blade, martie, rims, natalie, emily
9AM song - You'll Think of Me
12PM song - Days Go By
4PM song - Where The Black Top Ends
8PM song - Jeans On
Thursday October 26th
It's almost Friday !!!!!!!!
Sun Paper Code - takeup
Sun Online Code - dictionary
Sun Bonus Code - takeupdictionary
Y101 Codes - entourage, victory, flute, present, sub
9AM song - Deeper than the Holler
12PM song - On The Other Hand
4PM song - TBA
8 PM song - TBA
Sun Paper Code - takeup
Sun Online Code - dictionary
Sun Bonus Code - takeupdictionary
Y101 Codes - entourage, victory, flute, present, sub
9AM song - Deeper than the Holler
12PM song - On The Other Hand
4PM song - TBA
8 PM song - TBA
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday October 24th
Hello all, it's Tuesday and the point grabbing continues!!!!
Sun Paper Code - Press
Sun Online Code - Sighted
Sun Bonus Code - Presssighted
Y101 Codes - drums, trendy, wax, relationship, toys, cup, rage, garth,
9AM song - I'm in a Hurry
12PM song - Mountain Music
4PM song - The Closer You Get
8PM song - Song of the South
Sun Paper Code - Press
Sun Online Code - Sighted
Sun Bonus Code - Presssighted
Y101 Codes - drums, trendy, wax, relationship, toys, cup, rage, garth,
9AM song - I'm in a Hurry
12PM song - Mountain Music
4PM song - The Closer You Get
8PM song - Song of the South
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday October 23rd
Hey there, I would say good morning but again it's Monday and we have another 5 days of work to get through.
Our sympathy's go out to Marc441 this morning after learning that he will not be going on a cruise unless he pays for it himself. Wait a minute, we're all in that BOAT ;)
Hey people, do me a favor and click on the google ad above. I'm trying to see if this thing actually works or not. Thanks in advance.
Sun Paper code - caviar
Sun Online code - shredded
Sun Bonus code - caviarshredded
9AM song - Real Good Man
12PM song - When The Stars Go Blue
4PM song - My Next Thirty Years
8PM song - I do, but I don't
Our sympathy's go out to Marc441 this morning after learning that he will not be going on a cruise unless he pays for it himself. Wait a minute, we're all in that BOAT ;)
Hey people, do me a favor and click on the google ad above. I'm trying to see if this thing actually works or not. Thanks in advance.
Sun Paper code - caviar
Sun Online code - shredded
Sun Bonus code - caviarshredded
9AM song - Real Good Man
12PM song - When The Stars Go Blue
4PM song - My Next Thirty Years
8PM song - I do, but I don't
Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday's HERE!!!!!!! Oh and its October 20th ;)
Here's to not putting a full day in at the office today :)
Sun Paper code - tryout
Sun Online code - walkabout
Sun Bonus code - tryoutwalkabout
Y101 codes - forget, role, guitar, cut
George Canyon code - somebodywrotelove (worth 500 points)
9AM song - My Maria (Thanks to petal48 for this one)
12PM song - Red Dirt Road
4PM song - TBA
8 PM Song - TBA
Sun Paper code - tryout
Sun Online code - walkabout
Sun Bonus code - tryoutwalkabout
Y101 codes - forget, role, guitar, cut
George Canyon code - somebodywrotelove (worth 500 points)
9AM song - My Maria (Thanks to petal48 for this one)
12PM song - Red Dirt Road
4PM song - TBA
8 PM Song - TBA
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday October 19th
Hey all, 2 more work days until the weekend!!!!! Seriously how am I going to sleep through 2 more days at work!!!!!
Sun Paper code - truffle
Sun Online code - dependant
Sun Bonus code - truffledependant
Y101 codes - film, piano, suit, wrestle
9AM song - Somebody to Love You
12PM song - The Other Side (Thanks for the Update sex247 and wcl22)
4PM song - No One Else on Earth
Seriously, Systemskitty and Marc441 you guys get up way too early......but I'm glad you do ;)
Sun Paper code - truffle
Sun Online code - dependant
Sun Bonus code - truffledependant
Y101 codes - film, piano, suit, wrestle
9AM song - Somebody to Love You
12PM song - The Other Side (Thanks for the Update sex247 and wcl22)
4PM song - No One Else on Earth
Seriously, Systemskitty and Marc441 you guys get up way too early......but I'm glad you do ;)
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday October 18th
Good day to all you points getters......especially the night owl Droop and the early risers Marc441 and Systemskitty. You are all animals!!!!
Sun Paper code - Tissue
Sun Online code - Rainman
Sun Bonus code - Tissuerainman
Y101 codes - teddybear, producer, flame, fight, tenor, butter. mccoy
9AM song - How Do You Like Me Now
12PM song - My List
Sun Paper code - Tissue
Sun Online code - Rainman
Sun Bonus code - Tissuerainman
Y101 codes - teddybear, producer, flame, fight, tenor, butter. mccoy
9AM song - How Do You Like Me Now
12PM song - My List
Monday, October 16, 2006
Tuesday October 17th
Hey all, here's what we have so far......
Sun Paper Code - Stellar
Sun Online Code - Universe
Sun Bonus Code - Stellaruniverse
Y101 Bonus Codes - set, napkin, boy (these codes compliments of petal48)
Y101 Bonus Codes - alto, cake (these codes compliments of Systemskitty)
Y101 Bonus Codes - money, remote, backstage, door (thanks to CHEZ blog admin Greg for door)
9AM song - I Don't Care If You Love Me Anymore
12PM song - Someone Should Tell Her
4PM song - I got this feeling
8PM song is - I don't want to Know
Sun Paper Code - Stellar
Sun Online Code - Universe
Sun Bonus Code - Stellaruniverse
Y101 Bonus Codes - set, napkin, boy (these codes compliments of petal48)
Y101 Bonus Codes - alto, cake (these codes compliments of Systemskitty)
Y101 Bonus Codes - money, remote, backstage, door (thanks to CHEZ blog admin Greg for door)
9AM song - I Don't Care If You Love Me Anymore
12PM song - Someone Should Tell Her
4PM song - I got this feeling
8PM song is - I don't want to Know
Monday Bloody Monday October 16th
Hey all, It's the start of another work week.....Please keep the cheering to a minimum ;)
Just a note to you all, the sun codes have a variance that only works on the Chez site. It doesn't work on Y101 or KISS FM.
Y101 Bonus Codes - camera, george, candle, notes, girl, natural
Sun Paper Code - ibet
Sun Online Code - expense
Sun Bonus Code - ibetexpense (thanks sunshine1001 it was a typo!!!)
9AM song - Girls Lie Too (ain't that the truth :P)
12PM song - Damn Right!!!!!
Just a note to you all, the sun codes have a variance that only works on the Chez site. It doesn't work on Y101 or KISS FM.
Y101 Bonus Codes - camera, george, candle, notes, girl, natural
Sun Paper Code - ibet
Sun Online Code - expense
Sun Bonus Code - ibetexpense (thanks sunshine1001 it was a typo!!!)
9AM song - Girls Lie Too (ain't that the truth :P)
12PM song - Damn Right!!!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Friday October 13
Your friendly neighborhood Kiss FM Blog site Admin here filling in for the other guy. Have a good day folks. Enjoy that crappy weather that's headed our way.
Ottawa Sun newspaper code: pucks
Ottawa Sun online code: skates
Ottawa Sun bonus code: puckskates
Bonus codes: Noise, Belated, Director, glass, credits
Friday 9am song is "In A Real Love"
Friday 12PM song is "Last Day of My Life"
Friday 4PM song is "Just Another Day in Paradise"
PS - Thanks to the KISS FM Admin AKA Free Stuff is Great for filling in for me today.
Your friendly neighborhood Kiss FM Blog site Admin here filling in for the other guy. Have a good day folks. Enjoy that crappy weather that's headed our way.
Ottawa Sun newspaper code: pucks
Ottawa Sun online code: skates
Ottawa Sun bonus code: puckskates
Bonus codes: Noise, Belated, Director, glass, credits
Friday 9am song is "In A Real Love"
Friday 12PM song is "Last Day of My Life"
Friday 4PM song is "Just Another Day in Paradise"
PS - Thanks to the KISS FM Admin AKA Free Stuff is Great for filling in for me today.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Thursday October 12th
Today's latest updates thanks to Marc441 and kmcdnld........
Sun paper code - yule
Sun online code - source
Sun bonus code - yulesource
Y101 codes - actress, bowl, bow
9AM song - I'm Alright
12PM song - Stand Beside Me
Sun paper code - yule
Sun online code - source
Sun bonus code - yulesource
Y101 codes - actress, bowl, bow
9AM song - I'm Alright
12PM song - Stand Beside Me
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Wednesday October 11th
Hey there, I'm back at work and now have time to update the site ;)
Thanks to all of you out there keeping the site updated.
Sun Paper code - inspector
Sun Online code - gadget
Sun Bonus code - inspectorgadget
Y101 bonus codes - actor, clef, wrap
9AM song - I'm Already There
12PM song - Amazed
Thanks to all of you out there keeping the site updated.
Sun Paper code - inspector
Sun Online code - gadget
Sun Bonus code - inspectorgadget
Y101 bonus codes - actor, clef, wrap
9AM song - I'm Already There
12PM song - Amazed
Monday, October 09, 2006
Monday October 9th
Hey guys again my appologies.....family is visiting and I haven't had time to get on the computer...
Just a note to the people trying to get some of the codes to work....I suggest emailing the station and letting them know. I had this problem once before and they corrected it on my account.
Sun Paper code - regent
Sun Online code - mayo
Sun bonus code - regentmayo
Y101 codes - red, rose,
9AM song of the day - Every Mile a Memory
Just a note to the people trying to get some of the codes to work....I suggest emailing the station and letting them know. I had this problem once before and they corrected it on my account.
Sun Paper code - regent
Sun Online code - mayo
Sun bonus code - regentmayo
Y101 codes - red, rose,
9AM song of the day - Every Mile a Memory
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Sunday October 8th
Hey all,
Sorry for not getting this updated but I haven't been near a computer for the last couple of days.
Y101 code for today - Cruise
Ottawa Sun countdown code is - straitaway
Sorry for not getting this updated but I haven't been near a computer for the last couple of days.
Y101 code for today - Cruise
Ottawa Sun countdown code is - straitaway
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday October 5th
GO SENS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not hearing too many Leafs fans today........THANK GOD!!!!!!
Again, thanks to the sick early risers Marc441 and Systemskitty for getting us going today.
Sun paper code - macaw
Sun online code - sturgeon
Sun bonus code - macawstureon
Y101 codes - weak, sign, laugh, time, foodbank
Artist of the day is Reba McEntire
9AM song is Love Needs a Holiday
I'm not hearing too many Leafs fans today........THANK GOD!!!!!!
Again, thanks to the sick early risers Marc441 and Systemskitty for getting us going today.
Sun paper code - macaw
Sun online code - sturgeon
Sun bonus code - macawstureon
Y101 codes - weak, sign, laugh, time, foodbank
Artist of the day is Reba McEntire
9AM song is Love Needs a Holiday
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Wednesday October 4th.....
Sorry for getting this post up late, my home dialup experience really isn't all it's made out to be.....I MISS HIGHSPEED INTERNET!!!!!!
Anyhow, here are the codes so far :)
Sun paper code - soprano
Sun online code - poultry
Sun bonus code - sopranopoultry
Y101 codes - long, buckle, presents, challenge, rain
Artist of the day is Travis Trit
9AM song is - Here's a Quarter
12PM song is - Take it Easy
4PM song is - I'm Gonna Be Somebody
Anyhow, here are the codes so far :)
Sun paper code - soprano
Sun online code - poultry
Sun bonus code - sopranopoultry
Y101 codes - long, buckle, presents, challenge, rain
Artist of the day is Travis Trit
9AM song is - Here's a Quarter
12PM song is - Take it Easy
4PM song is - I'm Gonna Be Somebody
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday Oct 3rd
Here we go for another day, by the way keep up the good work systemkitty and marc441.
Sun paper code - blinker
Sun paper code - popcan
Sun bonus code - blinkerpopcan
Y101 codes - empire, family, rodeo, lose, grass, little, story
Artist of the day Garth Brooks -
9am song is Good Ride Cowboy
12PM song is Much too Young
4PM song is The Thunder Rolls
8PM song is Victim of the Game
Just a note, Wil was wrong with his 8PM song guess.....
Don't forget the Lonestar codes worth 1000 points each - fajitas, guacamole, and steak!!!
Sun paper code - blinker
Sun paper code - popcan
Sun bonus code - blinkerpopcan
Y101 codes - empire, family, rodeo, lose, grass, little, story
Artist of the day Garth Brooks -
9am song is Good Ride Cowboy
12PM song is Much too Young
4PM song is The Thunder Rolls
8PM song is Victim of the Game
Just a note, Wil was wrong with his 8PM song guess.....
Don't forget the Lonestar codes worth 1000 points each - fajitas, guacamole, and steak!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Monday October 2nd
Hey there everyone, hope you had a good weekend.
Sun paper code - parachute
Sun online code - moops
Sun bonus code - parachutemoops
Y101 codes - win, shoes, kenny
Thanks for the quick start to the week systemkitty as well as your work on the weekend.
Sun paper code - parachute
Sun online code - moops
Sun bonus code - parachutemoops
Y101 codes - win, shoes, kenny
Thanks for the quick start to the week systemkitty as well as your work on the weekend.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Saturday Last day of September :(
Hey everyone......last day of September and here we go....
Sun Paper code - hayes
Sun Online code - benji
Sun bonus code - hayesbenji
Countdown code - giveit
Sun Paper code - hayes
Sun Online code - benji
Sun bonus code - hayesbenji
Countdown code - giveit
Friday, September 29, 2006
Friday September 19th
Sun paper code - outboard
Sun online code - oblong
Sun bonus code - outboardoblong
Email code - autumn
Y101 codes - Tie, beach, ribbon
9AM artist of the day song - I need you
12PM artist of the day song - Nothin' bout love makes sense
Sun online code - oblong
Sun bonus code - outboardoblong
Email code - autumn
Y101 codes - Tie, beach, ribbon
9AM artist of the day song - I need you
12PM artist of the day song - Nothin' bout love makes sense
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thursday September 28th
Sorry for being behind on the updates, I haven't had internet access until now.
Sun paper code - Marvin
Sun online code - Sleet
Sun bonus code - Marvinsleet
Y101 codes - chords, makeup
9AM song - ?????
Noon song - Little sister
Not sure what the 9AM song is as I can't find any Dwight songs
Sun paper code - Marvin
Sun online code - Sleet
Sun bonus code - Marvinsleet
Y101 codes - chords, makeup
9AM song - ?????
Noon song - Little sister
Not sure what the 9AM song is as I can't find any Dwight songs
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Wednesday September 26th
Sun Paper code is Chaps
Sun Online code is Suede
Sun bonus code is chapssuede
Y101 codes -news, note, candles, and answer
9AM artist of the day song - Everyone knows
12PM artist of the day - Long Time Gone
4PM artist of the day song - Everybody knows
8PM artist of the day song - Let'em Rip
Sun Online code is Suede
Sun bonus code is chapssuede
Y101 codes -news, note, candles, and answer
9AM artist of the day song - Everyone knows
12PM artist of the day - Long Time Gone
4PM artist of the day song - Everybody knows
8PM artist of the day song - Let'em Rip
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday September 26th
Here's what we have so far:
Sun Paper code - scrappy
Sun Online code - scoops
Sun bonus code - scrappyscoops
Y101 bonus code - guess
Y101 bonus code - birthday
Y101 bonus code - boys
Sun Paper code - scrappy
Sun Online code - scoops
Sun bonus code - scrappyscoops
Y101 bonus code - guess
Y101 bonus code - birthday
Y101 bonus code - boys
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday September 25th
Sorry for not being around on the weekend but I had to go to Halifax to see the STONES!!!!
Anyhow, here are the codes that we have so far:
Lonestar code -beans
Sun online code - leapt
Sun paper code - giggle
Sun combined code - giggleleapt
Y101 bonus codes - girls, church, gossip, tune, happy, boots
Y101 bonus code - sinner
This is my personal shout out to Mandag33, thanks for all the help.
Artist of the day - Clint Black song was A Better Man 9AM song. Make sure you payattention, the 9AM song is the forth artist of the day selection.
12PM Artist of the day song - Desperado
4 PM Artist of the day song - Like the rain
Anyhow, here are the codes that we have so far:
Lonestar code -beans
Sun online code - leapt
Sun paper code - giggle
Sun combined code - giggleleapt
Y101 bonus codes - girls, church, gossip, tune, happy, boots
Y101 bonus code - sinner
This is my personal shout out to Mandag33, thanks for all the help.
Artist of the day - Clint Black song was A Better Man 9AM song. Make sure you payattention, the 9AM song is the forth artist of the day selection.
12PM Artist of the day song - Desperado
4 PM Artist of the day song - Like the rain
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Friday September 22nd
Hey all,
The Sun online code for today is powers.
The Sun paper code for today is meek.
The Sun codes combined are meekpowers.
Bonus code - carp
Artist of the Day is - George Strait
The Sun online code for today is powers.
The Sun paper code for today is meek.
The Sun codes combined are meekpowers.
Bonus code - carp
Artist of the Day is - George Strait
Thursday September 21st
Hey there,
Anyone collecting points for the Y101 website can use the following codes for points:
bronco - 1000
Sun code for website - cotton
Sun code for paper - popcorn
Sun codes combined - popcorncotton
Artist of the day is Kenny Chesney
That's all for now, anyone that has any codes please post them and help everyone out.
Anyone collecting points for the Y101 website can use the following codes for points:
bronco - 1000
Sun code for website - cotton
Sun code for paper - popcorn
Sun codes combined - popcorncotton
Artist of the day is Kenny Chesney
That's all for now, anyone that has any codes please post them and help everyone out.
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