News Update
Senators win opener on the road 5-2 over Buffalo
7:15AM code: hazard
10:15AM code:
4:15PM code:
8AM song - I'm gonna getcha good
12PM song -
4PM song -
Brother Bob's secret word: Raise
Jacki Daniels secret word: More
The Bear
7:15 - blackparade
11:15 -
Jack Fm
roll-call: Bryon Sweeney
community of the day: Stittsville
May Valpak Code: valpaksavings02
May Valpak Code: valpaksavings02
10:15am code: forest
12 Noon: Love gets me everytime
12 pm song
love gets me everytime
@ free shit
I knew my cheer from yesterday would help motivate the Sens. I'll try it again tomorrow.
4 PM Code: Whose bed has your boots been under
Y101 FM 4:15 Code: Laugh
Survey for 100 points (nansense Friday)
@ doc-j
Hey there buddy, you did good my friend. I will also be posting the prayer on every game day because you know it can't hurt!!! Plus I will be wearing my Sen's gear :))
Y101 FM 8:00 Song: When
Good evening everyone!! :)
Reminder of Event today - Saturday
Stop by Westgate Shopping Centre, 1309 Carling Avenue, this Saturday between 11am and 2pm, for a single use bonus code worth 2,500 points... and if you're our pre-selected $1,000 winner... you could end up with cash! Roy Berger will be attempting to break the world record for fastest man to do 1000 pushups starting at noon!
Kit and Kaboodles code: loveyourmother (2500 pts)
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