Artist of The Day: Lonestar
8am: - Everything's Changed
Noon: - What About Now
4pm: - Mr. Mom
8pm: - My Front Porch Looking In
Word of The Day: BradLive
Listen To Y101 & Get 100 Points Each Day
Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: The Sea
Secret Word: Felt
Listen To Oldies1310 & Get 100 Points Each Day
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double
Who was the artist played at 7:15?
Answer: Rick Nelson
Solid Gold Trivia
Manfred Mann stormed music charts worldwide in 1964 with the # 1 solid gold hit " Do Wah Diddy Diddy".Where does Manfred hail from?
Answer: Johannesburg , South Africa
Back In The Day Trivia:
The School Band at Lowell High in San Francisco kept their audience well entertained in the winter of 1975 by playing for how many hours?
Answer: 31
Jack Fm
Word of The Day: Quilt
Community of The Day: North Gower
G'morning all ...
Survey: Mark and Nida People Poll
It is National Library Week. How often do you use the Library?
@ Mr. Red ... for my amusement, I did a search through the old RadioWall archives and found the original details of your "egregious crime" when you received the dreaded "LOGIN FAILED" on all your Rogers radio accounts! LOL! It's obvious that it was the sleaze-ball wowzer who ratted you out. That sleaze found your selfless act to be such a crime yet he was obviously hanging out on that board to illegitimately collect codes!
With the accepted sharing of codes on Facebook now (even by Chez itself), it is a travesty for you to still be banned. Sure, you shouldn't have liberated those codes, but no real harm was done and you certainly did not personally benefit (those codes can only be entered once per person). And unless Ms. Homsy won because of your liberating activity, absolutely no one you know actually benefited.
They de-activated you on April 28th but why not use the Chez Bushtukah (note proper spelling!) appearance as the defining event and since Eric was there on Saturday, tell Doc you have learned your lesson and ask to be re-instated.
P.S. Also, don't call them Nazis! The Chez deejays/staff are obviously reading these sites for their amusement and possible punitive measures!
P.P.S. Very surprised that they banned you twice. Obviously that cowardly snitch wowzer was behind that as well.
After reading this post, feel free to delete it or modify it, Mr. Red, to maintain your privacy.
Mark and Nida People Poll -
It is National Library Week.How often do you use the Library?
WOD: Bradlive
@ Mr. E
LMFAO! If I really cared about my privacy, I wouldn't use my real pic as my avatar.
Yes, I agree, I should fall on my sword and throw myself on the mercy of the court. Had I an opportunity to attend Bushtukah on Saturday, I would have, but alas I was too busy re-uniting AC customers with their luggage.
8am Artist/Day Song: Everything's Changed
Artist of the Day is LONESTAR
8 am y101 song: Everything's Changed
12pm song: What About Now
Y101 Survey
Nansense Tuesday
What's your average commute to work/school a day? (round trip)
@ Mr. Red ... yeah, I noticed you're not too concerned about your privacy and that's what REALLY got you in trouble! LOL!
Also, if the arguments I laid out in the earlier post don't work on Eric, Doc, or Woody, I would suggest Plan B:
An older boy told me to do it! ;-)
Forgot to mention, at Bushtukah on Saturday, Eric made peeps fill out a card with their name and whether they were already a Chez Nation member BEFORE handing out the bonus code (he didn't do that at Gear Head). I didn't think much of it at the time (assumed it might be for an extra draw) but now I know the real reason why! LOL!
4pm song: Mr. Mom
4pm song - Mr. Mom
8PM song: My Front Porch Looking In
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