Artist of The Day: Craig Morgan
8am: Redneck Yacht Club
Noon: Love Remembers
4pm: International Harvester
8pm: This Aint Nothin'
Word of The Day: ListenAndWin
Y101 Jet Bonus Codes:
Listen to Y101 Live Button each day (100pts)
Oldies 1310
5 @ 5: John Lennon
Secret Word: Until
Listen to Oldies1310 Live Button each day (100pts)
Lincoln Field's Shopping Centre's Double Double
Who was the artist played at 7:15?
Answer: Rare Earth
Solid Gold Trivia:
Where does Nancy Sinatra fit in to Frank & Mother Nancy Sinatra's Family?
Answer: Eldest
Back In The Day Trivia:
When Canadian Singer (and Ottawa's own) Alanis Morrisette was three years old she memorized the songs from a popular movie and would sing to anybody who would listen. Name the movie.
Answer: Grease
Jack Fm
Word of The Day: Bloom
Community of The Day: Kanata
Good morning.
Mark and Nida People Poll: What are your plans for the Thanksgiving Day Weeekend?
Word Of The Day: ListenAndWin
Howdy Peeps :-)
8am Artist/Day Song: Redneck Yacht Club
Jet Bonus Codes:
7am - Paisley56
9am - FlyAway30
11am - BigNight52
Noon Artist/Day Song: Craig Morgan - Love Remembers
Jet Bonus Code:
1pm - Miranda61
4PM song: International Harvester
Jet Bonus Code:
5pm - LadyA95
Jet Bonus Codes:
3pm - Taylor41
5pm - LadyA95
8pm Artist/Day Song: Craig Morgan - This Aint Nothin'
Y101 Jet Bonus Code:
9pm - BigNight74
Jet Bonus Code:
7pm - FlyAway01
9pm - BigNight74
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